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Power and Utilities

Shore and Wharf

Cement, Mining, and Aggregates



General Contractor Industrial Projects

Heavy Industrial Cast-In-Place Foundations
Major Utility Projects
Access Industrial Scaffolding

What we deliver ED

Who we are ED



Power and Utilities

Shore and Wharf

Cement, Mining, and Aggregates



General Contractor Industrial Projects

​Heavy Industrial Cast-In-Place Foundations

Shoreline Wharf Wall Construction

Major Utility Projects

Access Industrial Scaffolding

About Barclay

Meet The Team

Company History

Indigenous Advancement



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Careers at Barclay

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Media Contacts

Cement, Mining, and Aggregates

Our proficiency extends to plant foundation construction, the establishment of new equipment foundations, and the expansion of current plant operations. We specialize in providing robust and customized solutions that precisely address the distinctive requirements of the cement, mining, and aggregates industries. With a focus on excellence, we ensure the construction of foundations that not only meet industry standards but also align seamlessly with the specific needs of each client. Whether it’s establishing a foundation for new equipment or expanding existing plant operations, our commitment lies in delivering solutions that stand up to the demands of the cement, mining, and aggregates sectors.

  • Crusher Foundations
  • Conveyor and Equipment Foundations
  • Kiln Piers
  • Concrete Tank Construction
  • Concrete Tank Base Construction
  • Ball Mill Foundations
  • Cast-In-Place Concrete Containment Walls
Abitibi Canyon Generating Station Tailrace Rehabilitation

Abitibi Canyon Generating Station Tailrace Rehabilitation

Seed Processing Facility/Tank Farm Expansion

Seed Processing Facility/Tank Farm Expansion